Bella Lana Poll Merino Ram Sale 2022

Bella Lana report
GROWING demand for Bella Lana Poll Merino genetics from returning clients
and new buyer enquiries encouraged stud principals Scott and Anna Brien and
family to increase catalogue numbers to 190 rams this year.
Their move paid off handsomely when 176 of 187 rams offered sold to a top of
$7500 to average $2450 at their 14th on-property sale at Wellington on
Wednesday, September 21 under the new six-stand wool shed recently
constructed to the AWI blueprint.
Thirty-one buyers from the state’s North West, Central and Southern Tablelands
and Victoria were successful purchasers chasing the profitable easy-care sheep
of wool and carcase the Briens have committed to producing.
The Bella Lana flock’s trademark stylish wools remain white and bright, a
testament to the flock’s constitution throughout what has been a very wet year
against an astonishing 800 millimetres rainfall since January.
Joining Bella Lana blood ewes of four generations, the Cosgrove family, West
Charlton, Rockley, returned for the fifth year to purchase their third sale-topper,
this year paying $7500 for a son of Bella Lana 190031 growing 18.7 micron
wool, plus another at $4500 by Richmond 160110.00.
Buying on behalf of the family, Robyn Cosgrove said the enterprise runs
upwards of 5000 ewes.
“Our Merinos 18.5 micron are cutting seven kilograms of wool annually.
The two rams purchased today will join our nucleus flock to breed rams for our
commercial flock,” Ms Cosgrove said.
Returning this year to purchase two rams were Warren and Mavis Leeson,
Anglewood, Dunedoo, who have bought rams including sale-toppers at each of
the Bella Lana’s 14 on-property sales.
A stickler for the stud’s performances within the Anglewood flock, Mr Leeson
said Bella Lana rams had lifted lambing percentages up to 142 per cent at
marking and the wool has reduced three microns to 17 micron on the young
Their second top-priced ram at $7000 was a twin 18.4 micron son of Bella Lana
190492 which is among the top 10pc for Merino Production Plus (MP+) of 178
and Dual Purpose Plus (DP+) of 184. Also among the top 5pc for yearling clean
fleece weight.
The Brisbane family of Waragee, Keers Creek near Orange paid an average of
$4063 for four rams topping at $5500. This was for an18.4 micron son of Bella
Lana 200196 which has four traits within the top 20pc for yearling weight (8.0),
early breech wrinkle (-0.8), wrinkle (0.15) and DP+ of 173.
First-time buyers were Jen and Jack Medway of Penrose Pastoral, Hillcrest,
Gunning, who paid $5500 for a 17.1 micron ram which is in the top 20pc for
post weaning weight (PWT) (6.1), Yearling weight (YW) (8.7). yearling fat
(YFAT) (1.0) and DP+ of 179.
Their next buy at $5000 was a son of the Centre Plus sire recording
performance among the top 10pc for PWT, YEMD, YFd, WR and DP+.
The Medways are running 6500 ewes of 17.5 to 18 micron and cutting 6.5kg
from their annual shearing.
Returning to their second sale was Corio Ag, Tarlo Station, near Goulburn who
purchased six rams for a $3958 average at paying a top at $5500 for a 17.3
micron son of the Centre Plus sire which is among the top 5pc for MP+ at 187
and DP+ at 193.
Another established client Richard and Susie Marshall, Wargindinna, Burren
Junction, returned this year to secure eight rams paying and average of $3433
and a top of $5000 for a Bella Lana 190031 sired 18.3 micron MP+ and DP+
trait leader among the top 10pc with 175 and 183 respectively.
The Marshalls are gaining higher lambing percentages with Mr Marshall saying
the wool tends to hold its crimp and lustre.
The Campbell family of Dripstone and Mumbil, who have supported each sale
since the stud’s inception, returned to secure five rams to average $3000.
Dugald Campbell said the family’s 7000 ewe flock is split into autumn and
spring joinings to concentrate on lamb production.
Poachers Rural, Hall, ACT, bought six rams to average $2833, while the Lyttle
family, Goulburn, also purchased six rams paying to average $2708.
Andrew and Virginia Rice, Kimbar Park, Parkes, returned to Bella Lana this
year to buy two rams to $3250 for their fourth joining to the small intensive
flock running at 14 dry sheep equivalent (DSE).
Tom Roberts, Euarra, O’Connell, is also a return buyer who runs 3500 Merino
ewes. He likes Bella Lana rams which have increased wool and carcase traits
good enough to be among the winning flocks of the Bathurst Merino Ewe
competitions over the years.
As well, his Euarra flock are in the Responsible Wool Accreditation which is
returning premiums for his non-mulesed wool for the past six years.
Mr Robert’s 11 purchases average $1886.
Tim Slack-Smith, with his father, Matthew, Glenallyn, Brewarrina, continue
with Bella Lana rams using ASBVs to help increase post weaning and yearling
weights to assist in growing their lambs more quickly.
As well, Tim Slack-Smith said he was looking to becoming a mules-free flock
through selection of breech wrinkle score rams.
“It’s all quite exciting, really’, he said.
The Glenallyn flock purchased six rams for a $2000 average.
Among the multi-lot buyers were Phil and Ed Hunter, Minnamurra, Yeoval, who
returned for their second year to secure 17 rams averaging $1841. Phil Hunter
said the rams were very good value for his flock of 3200 ewes of 19 micron
average which cut 3.5kg every six months and have been non-mulesed for seven
Another returning flock for the past seven sales was multi-lot buyer was
Gidleigh Pastoral, Gidleigh Station, Bungendore, who took home 28 rams for a
$2241 average for their 4000 ewe flock of 18 micron average cutting 8-plus kg.

Robyn Cosgrave, Rockley, Bathurst with Top Priced rams $7500
Warren and Mavis Leeson, Dunedoo with their top priced ram $7000
Jen and Jack Medway of Penrose Pastoral, Hillcrest,
Gunning, who paid $5500 and $5000 for their top priced rams. Lexi Cesnik,(pictured second from right) buying on their behalf

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